The Place for Vet Care

Three Unusual Problems That You Should Always Take Your Pet To The Vet For

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While your animals might hate you for it, a trip to the veterinary clinic is always better than rolling the dice and hoping for the best, especially when your pet is displaying some odd symptoms. Just like humans, pets can have a whole host of different issues that affect every part of their body; they just don’t know how to communicate those issues to you. That is why you have to always be on the lookout for strange or out-of-the-ordinary behavior. Read More»

Your New Puppy And The Veterinarian

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When you get a new puppy, it is important for you to take the puppy to the veterinarian as quickly as you are able to. That first visit will be an important one for the puppy, as well as for yourself. There are a lot of things the vet will look at to make sure the puppy is healthy, and if it isn’t, then the issues will need to be addressed and treated right away for your puppy to have the best chance at becoming a healthy puppy and growing into a healthy adult dog. Read More»

3 Summer Pet Care Tips for Your Dog

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Do you have a dog that spends most of its time outdoors in the summer? If so, following these summer pet care tips for your dog will ensure your furry friend stays healthy, happy, and safe during the warmest months of the year. 1. Make Sure Your Dog Has Access to Water Your dog must stay hydrated all year round. It’s even more important, however, in the summer. When your dog is outside in the heat their water needs increase. Read More»

Signs Your Pet Chinchilla Needs to See the Vet

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Chinchillas are unique pets, but once you have one for a few weeks, you get used to its behavior and the care requires. What you may not learn as intuitively as the owner of a chinchilla, though, is what behaviors or symptoms in a chinchilla indicate illness and the need for vet care. That’s where this article comes in! Keep reading, and you’ll learn the key indications that your chinchilla needs to see the veterinarian. Read More»

6 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog

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If you have a dog at home, it has probably begged for food at the table. While you would probably like to share your dinner with your pooch, not all people foods are good for canines. In fact, some people foods can cause serious health issues in dogs. Here are a few foods you should never feed your dog. 1. Chocolate While chocolate is a delicious snack for humans, it can be dangerous for dogs. Read More»